Pass It On logo

How It Works

Please select below

Some of this info is still being updated, thanks for taking the time to read.

Before the Satisfactory event



Read this page.



Register for the upcoming event and fill out your time slot availability.

TIP: fill out as many as possible to guarantee a slot.



Join the GG Discord (Global Gamers) - to keep up to date as well as to pass the save file during the event.

GG Discord Be sure to accept the rules.

You can even follow the announcement channel for updates in your own Discord servers.
You may need to follow the Satisfactory section in #select-games - in GG Discord



Set up a browser source, available soon in the dashboard.

This will be mostly blank, we will put notifications out here for when the event is taking registration.

Setup for the event



Only during the event!

Disable your ads in the twitch Creator Dashboard (Affiliates only)

Right click your profile pic (once logged into twitch)

Go to Creator dashboard

On the left expand Settings > Affiliate

Scroll down most of the way to the Ads heading

Picture coming soon...



Only during the event!

Add PassItOn tag on twitch

Go to your twitch page and click on your Profile icon top right (once logged into twitch) then Creator Dashboard

Pass It On creator dashboard

Click the purple edit pencil icon

Pass It On creator dashboard Edit

Type PassItOn into the box

Pass It On creator dashboard tags

Click passiton or PassItOn on the list or just hit enter

Pass It On creator dashboard tags

You should have an extra tag

Pass It On creator dashboard tags



Be available 30 mins before your time slot and 30 mins after (just incase).



Check you can see the save file channel in Discord

If you need a hand with location your save file location, please ask one of us in discord.

The Build



Run an ad break 10-15 mins before you're raided to dsisable the pre-roll for everyone joining.



The save file should be ready before your raid is received. This will be located in the GG discord

If you need a hand with location your save file location, please ask one of us in discord.



Set your autosave duration to 5-10 mintes. Just incase as Satisfactory is still in early access.



Your build time is 2 hours (unless stated otherwise).

You will have some time spare, this is to welcome everyone in and to look over other builds. Worst case, recover some time after a crash.



Please name the numbered signs with your twitch name (TIP: make it easy to read)

Don't forget to name your build



Save the game when your build time is over. Then upload to discord.

Save the game as YOUR build/slot number

If you need a hand with location your save file location, please ask one of us in discord.



Raid out to the next person at the correct time (all going well).

After the event



Remember to vote. Voting should commence a few days after the event.
(Voting will last 1 week, so we can announce the winner)

Failure to vote, could lead to missing future events.


Lumen!! NEW

Lumen should be off. do not make a build that requires Lumen to be active, it likely won't get seen


Build grid NEW

The build grid has been reduced to 16 x 16 foundations.


Blue Prints NEW

Use of Blue Prints and Blue Printer machine are not allowed.

Exception = Pixel Art

Before the Valheim event

Please note: this information may change as the team continues to discuss the best way for this all to work since it's dramatically different from Satisfactory
Although we have successfully completed six events, this is our first time putting on a Valheim

We appreciate your patience as we work through any hickups. This is our first Pass It Onheim, There may be bumps and any feedback is welcome!

Dm DC or Dread



Read this page.



Register for the upcoming event and fill out your time slot availability.

TIP: fill out as many as possible to guarantee a slot.



Join the GG Discord (Global Gamers) - to keep up to date as well as to pass the save file during the event.

GG Discord Be sure to accept the rules.

You can even follow the announcement channel for updates in your own Discord servers.
You may need to follow the Valheim section in #select-games - in GG Discord



Set up a browser source, available soon in the dashboard.

This will be blank until the event. We will put notifications out occasionally that show a notification bell in the top right. This means there is a notification to read via the website whiuch will remove the bell from the overlay.

Setup for the event



Only during the event!

Disable your ads in the twitch Creator Dashboard (Affiliates only)

Right click your profile pic (once logged into twitch)

Go to Creator dashboard

On the left expand Settings > Affiliate

Scroll down most of the way to the Ads heading

Picture coming soon...



Only during the event!

Add PassItOn tag on twitch

Go to your twitch page and click on your Profile icon top right (once logged into twitch) then Creator Dashboard

Pass It On creator dashboard

Click the purple edit pencil icon

Pass It On creator dashboard Edit

Type PassItOn into the box

Pass It On creator dashboard tags

Click passiton or PassItOn on the list or just hit enter

Pass It On creator dashboard tags

You should have an extra tag

Pass It On creator dashboard tags



Be available 30 mins before your time slot and 30 mins after (just incase).



Check you can see the save file channel in Discord

If you need a hand with location your save file location, please ask one of us in discord.

The Build & Stream


Starting stream

Ideally you should be live 20-30 mins before you are due to recieve the raid. This allows time to load the save file at least one coordinator should be in your chat from the start incase you have any questions or need a hand



Run an ad break 10-15 mins before you're raided to dsisable the pre-roll for everyone joining.



The save file should be ready before your raid is received. This will be located in the GG discord

If you need a hand with location your save file location, please ask one of us in discord.



Save your game regularly (5-10 mintes). Just incase as Valheim is still in early access and the save may get quite large.



Your build time is 2 hours (unless stated otherwise).

You will have some time spare, this is to welcome everyone in and to look over other builds. Worst case, recover some time after a crash.


Build size/area

Build sites will be flattened and framed out beforehand; each site will be the same size and in the same biome, but spread out across the world seed. Participants may not build outside of the framed area.

  • Our biome for this competition will be the meadows or the plains, most likely.
  • Size of the build area is TBA.


Getting around

A portal hub will take builders to their specific site; each portal will be named with the participant


World settings

The world settings will be as follows:

  • Hammer mode
  • No raids
  • No fire spread


Build mode

Participants will also build in debug mode, ensuring that godmode and ghostmode are on. An instruction video will be provided for participants who are unfamiliar with how to access debug mode



Participants will also use debug commands to spawn in any décor items necessary to complete their build

  • A list of item names will be provided for participants, and chat may assist with item names in real time should a participant not know an item name
  • Participants may not use any items that are in the code, but do not spawn naturally in the world [e.g. blue mushrooms]



Absolutely no mods may be used



A blackmetal chest full of high stamina foods will be provided at each build site, but participants may spawn their own food items in



Please name the numbered signs with your twitch name (TIP: make it easy to read)

Don't forget to name your build



Save the game when your build time is over. Then upload to discord.

Rename the save file with YOUR build/slot number at the end: pio-val-2

If you need a hand with location your save file location, please ask one of us in discord.



Raid out to the next person at the correct time (all going well).


Participants do not need to be notable, well known, or consistent streamers, however they do need to know how to handle 75+ people in their chat at a given time in terms of moderation, safety and management.

Participants must have active moderators who are also familiar and comfortable with handling 75+ people in chat.

It is also requested that vip or mod is given (just for the event) to at least one of the Pass It On Coordination team to ensure no messages get blocked (like speed messaging), so they can talk freely and to assist in general during your stream.

After the event



Remember to vote. Voting should commence a few days after the event.
(Voting will last 1 week, so we can announce the winner)

Failure to vote, could lead to missing future events.